Autumn Weaves

Autumn Weaves handmade jewellery blog, is all about items that are for sale on my website, current projects that I am working on and simple things that go on throught a normal day with me.



Ok its the second day of hubby and I diets, and I thought I would blog a little throughout our weight loss journey... nothing exciting... my feelings, thoughts and maybe a few recipes...

Today has been a tough day, Tuesday is a hectic day for me, and food is the last thing on my mind, but with the WW diet you have to eat your points, now I need to explain I never EVER eat breakfast, while most people are sitting down to a sandwhich, im eating toast. I hate eating breakfast. But woke up this morning so hungry, I was thinking I might eat the sideboard while waiting for the toast to pop.
tonight we had curried rice with chicken. I am not a huge lover of rice, I have to say.. its just not soemthing I find tasty, but this dish was delish for those of you who are following the WW new Pro Point thing...
it was 11 points... and was very filling...
I found some WW jelly while we were shopping at the weekend, Which is 0 points, Hubby and I expected it to be nasty, but I have to say it tasted like any other Jelly to me... so thats a nice treat you kinda feel like you being a little naughty :)
will post recipe at some point tommorow.
On the beading front , I am still working on my project from christmas which should of been my mums christmas present, however chest infections and colds got in the way over the festive period and christmas passed me by!
Its almost finished a few more hours on it and it should be done, the longest part has been makign the herringbone rope necklace. Tubular Herringbone will be off my list of stitches for a while I think...


As some of you know I am a proud member of GirlGuidingUK. GGUK has been celebrating a year long birthday because we are 100 years old! On Wednesday 20.10.2010 at 20:10 :0 ) I renenwed my promise with girls around the world, and to look to the future of the next 100 years :)
I wanted to note down as a mark of history I guess.
Why I am a guider? why I think it is important for girls to be apart of GGUK, and How it has made me the woamn I am today.

Why I am a guider?

I am a guider because I believe girls, and young woman, should have a place to go, to not worry about weight issues, what they look like, to not have to worry about what people think of them, and to have fun and make friends. To give girls a chance that they might not get if they were not part of girlguiding. I believe without the pressures of the media, schooling, and boys. Girls have the chance to be themselves gain the confidence to stand up for what the believe, and let their voices be heard. Listen to these girls they will change the future. I believe with my help these girls are becoming confident, strong, and well rounded females, who will lead the way to a better world, a world without war, without poverty etc.

Why I think guiding made me the woman I am today?

I have been in guiding my whole life. My mum was a brownie guide when I was small, and having been to a few meetings, I refused to be left behind, by the time I was 8 I had been kayaking, abseiling, and canoeing. I had made life long friends. I was a strong minded, determined young girl who knew one day I would pass my love of guiding on.
I believe guiding gave me amazing opptunities that I could of never of done on my own. I have met some amazing guiding friends, who each day give their time and expertise to young girls to show them too that guiding is the future. To show each girl that they can make a diffrence in the world, to show them they have a voice, and to speak out and make a diffrence.

It has been a action packed year long party for us, and was a very special moment to renew our promises all together and I feel proud to be part of it.
To my guiding friends I cherish every precious moment with you all, and never ever forget that.
From one truly proud guider
Happpy 100th Birthday GirlGuidingUK and here to another 100


wow its been forever since I have updated this, well we are nice and settled in our new home and loving every single minute of it :) We have two new additions to the mackey family meet Wookie and Zell. Wookie is our long haired black and white guinea pig :D he got so big since this pic was taken though, he loves snuggles and cuddles, and is quite a calm piggy! Zell is a beautiful buttery,ginger colour, he less happy to be picked up, but is quite happy once he is on you, exploring his space. they seem to get along okish!? they do have little spats and fights, but nothing major!
they both love carrots, and broccoli and both squeak very loudly if they hear someone in the kitchen, and think a treat might be coming their way...
as I was saying though, it has been lovely to be in our own space :) we are both very happy here, and I feel my relationship with iain is a longer stronger (if thats possible) than it was before. I am very glad that he likes things tidy, and keeps me on my toes, to whinge at me when my messyness get too much :D but hey its usually beads, and my reply its not mess it creativity :D and smile sweetly!
I promise to blog soon
Liz x


Rights so whats been happening with me, WELLLLLLLLl


Iain and I have started packing there is less than 12 days before we get the keys to our new place ! EEEK! we are surrounded by packing boxes, and have just packed all games,dvds etc… shelfs are looking very lonely after that!

I didnt think moving would bother me as much as it has, I wobbled today and had a few tears while talking to the in laws. They are getting ready for next weekend when we go down to pack our stuff from their side. I dont know what came over me…. seeing all the boxes around me and making plans with them, I suddenly found myself sobbing into iains arms. How silly???

I guess because I have never moved, My sister and I were very fortunate to not have to move when we little, so I guess nothing prepared me for this.

As iain said I don’t think its the fear of moving, I think its more of the uncertainty…. of where things are going to go etc…

I am excited in a little way,but scared at most i think…. its a big step a new home, and your first home, but It will be lovely to be a married couple :) and have mum and dad and MIL and FIL over for dinner, and cooking in my OWN kitchen. thats gonna be FAB!

I have managed to squeeze in a little beading hopefully some pics from that tommorow…

But Im not liking this packing thing one little bit, Im so tired now…gonna have a quick game of something and then to bed to prepare for another day of packing. I will try and keep you updated as much as I can and remember.

toodles for now!


its been a fair while since I updated this, but its been very busy around here, so allow me to explain whats been going on around here.


The big news is that hubby and I are moving, after being married almost 2 years and living with my lovely parents, we have found a lovely little one bedroom maisonette to move into, its about 2 mins from mum and dads ,so i can still be the close for rainbows each week!

We signed the contract on Friday, and all went well, so we get the keys on the 19th March, so we really do have a lot to do :) it should be exciting, although I think I am scared more than anything, but I’m sure it will be ok once all the stuff is in the flat. The hardest I think will be lugging the furniture up the motorway from Sussex. We have never taken a lot of iains furniture as we have never ever had room, so it will be lovely to be in our own place and to be a proper married couple. Its a new chapter for us.

Speaking of chapters, I am really struggling to get my head round this dumb essay, The question is from Faustus, and I can honestly say I HATE IT!!! its not often that I dislike a book, I read most things, and I usually can find something good to say but I honestly cant find anything good to say about it. but I guess its got to be done before we move so hey –ho!




its been a while since I blogged, not sure where the time goes at the moment, I cannot believe that it is nearly march already!

I have just started my course again, so far its quite interesting, my first assignment is due on the 12th March, so I guess that will keep me busy.

I am currently splitting my free time with playing the new Star Trek Online (STO) and beading. Star trek online seems very good, although cryptic need to work on their server issues, as the lag is pissing me off.

So when I am not blowing the Klingons up in the U.S.S Autumnweaves or the U.S.S Apple, I am working on a project from the Laura Mccabe beading book, her work is totally and utterly amazing! so I hope to have pictures of that in the next few days.

anyways im logging off now, as I am being nagged to finish my laura Mccabe project, my beading tray is screaming at me lol!



its been a hectic few weeks, as the snow set in for almost 2 1/2 weeks solidly, and I was beginning to think I would never see colour again.

However a nice big rain cloud and some warmer temperatures means that all the snow has almost gone thank goodness!!

You would think with all the snow that I would be totatly inspired and have made lots of things, but thats a big fat NO!

I have managed to make in the last few days one of Jean Powers gorgeous geometric stars though, I brought the pattern ages ago, had a go couldnt get it to go right, and it got lost on my messy hard drive, it wasn’t until I was clearing the data off it, to put certain new items on my new laptop that I came across it! so I am very pleased at the way it came out, and I LOOOVE wearing it :D DSCF3146

seee! isnt it prettty :) If you would like to make your own star go to and buy it, she got some amazing tutorials on there, she really is a talented beader! :)

The other thing I made is a St Petersburg bracelet in a wonderful burnt orange with a deep metallic brown, the colours are beautiful!


and with the season of Love sneaking rapidly up behind us! I hoped to have some more heart themed stuff, I just haven’t got round to it! I should show you this!!!


I mean How CUTE! are these dinky little hearts BLESS!!!

anyways I need to go find something more constructive to do than sitting here on the computer so I am off



PS! Oh yeah I got an interview on Tuesday at a local school! forgot to say!

About this blog

About Me

My photo
United Kingdom
My name is Elisabeth Mackey, and I make handmade jewellery, this blog is to showcase my beaded work, and to know what/'s going on in my world.
